First, a quick what is: Power Exchange is the empowerment of the dominant by the submissive’s surrender to their control. I believe that Power Exchange is the cornerstone of any BDSM style relationship. It does not matter how you want to be referred to as; Daddy, Mommy, little, Master, servant, etc. It is all the exchanging of power, one giving and the other taking.

Power Exchange is always consensual. It is the submissive that has the underlying control during the relationship. The Dominant is there to satisfy the submissive’s kink’s and desires.

Power Exchange can occur in a multitude of relationships. You do not need to be in a loving relationship; you can be play-partners, non-sexual, and even friends. It is a misconception that sex needs to be involved, and note that the relationship can also evolve.

The most important thing to establish in any relationship involving Power Exchange are the do’s and do not’s. Make sure you discuss hard limits, expectations, and outcomes. Establish a safe word. This is most important before entering into any BDSM relationship. Feeling comfortable, safe, and trusting is the key to Power Exchange being successful.

This is not, I repeat, not an abusive relationship, on the contrary. Dominants, again, are there to fulfill your desires. Not to take advantage of you or take from you or hurt you (at least in ways that are not permitted).

I hope this cleared up any preliminary questions you had regarding Power Exchange. To learn and explore more, feel free to schedule a FREE session below.

Any more information to share on Power Exchange, comment below.