A friend once eloquently put to me, trying to soothe my broken heart, “Relationships are hard.” 🧐 (I hope that you can sense my sarcasm) Of course they are. Did someone lie to you and tell you that they were supposed to be easy? We were not even discussing Polyamorous relationships. So, of course, you are going to experience obstacles in any relationship. The obstacles in Poly relationships do not look unnecessarily very different but let’s look below and see what we are dealing with.
Between work, family, friends, and your relationships, having time for everything and everyone can be a stretch. Especially giving everything and everyone the attention they deserve. This is where a finite schedule can come in handy. Regardless of what your relationship situations look like (i.e., living under one roof, multiple relationships, etc.), it can be a struggle even for the most scheduled person.
Of course, I am talking about jealousy. Again, have jealous feelings is not strictly for Polyamorous relationships. However, the emotions can be more extreme. It is easy for jealousy to come from all the people involved in the relationship and different levels.
Opening up your world to multiple relationships means less discretionary income. Double the dates, birthdays, car use, etc. This is usually the last thing that couples interested in Polyamory consider, but it is an important one for sure.
Even with a significant part of our society becoming more accepting of different forms of relationships, not everyone will be supportive or understand. It can be tough to share that you are living this lifestyle. Certainly, be prepared for many questions and a lot of; “I don’t know how you do that? I could never.”
Are you ready to start wearing condoms again? Going back on birth control? STD’s while having multiple partners is a pretty big deal. Just remember you are with every person your partner is with, their partners, their partners, etc. There is always fluid bonding, but that in itself is a pretty serious decision.
Can you add any other obstacles? Please share below.